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Things To Know About the Church at Quartz Hill
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and article from our Quartz Hill Church of Christ staff that are dedicated to providing our congregation with important news and information.
What to expect when you join us on Sunday morning.Our worship begins at 10:45 a.m. and is preceded by a Bible class beginning at 9:45 a.m. The coffeehouse will be open prior to Bible study from 9:00 a.m.-9:40 a.m.
What expect in Bible Class.We offer a young children's Bible class (elementary school aged) where children sing songs, learn about the books of the Bible. enjoy a lesson and usually have a craft. The Adult Bible class involves topics relevant to everyday life. It is a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere where we all feel free to comment, ask questions and learn together. Feel free to visit the coffeehouse prior to Bible Class and bring your "to go" cup with you!
What to Expect in Worship.Our worship begins at 10:45 a.m. and ends around 11:45 a.m. We worship God through singing (A Capella), prayer, reading scripture, taking communion, and offering a message. We take communion each Sunday morning to remember and commemorate Jesus' sacrifice. We also take up a voluntary collection in order to support the works of the church. Sunday evening worship is a somewhat shorter version of Sunday morning, but generally welcoming a bit more relaxed.
What to Wear.Wear what you feel comfortable wearing. During our worship and activities, some wear jeans and t-shirts . while others like to dress up.
What to Expect on Wednesday Night Bible Study.We gather around 5:30 to eat a catered meal together in the Fellowship Hall. There is usually coffee and a dessert available in the coffeehouse from about 5:15 to 6:25. It is generally a "to go" and return to the Family/Fellowship Meal in the Fellowship Hall. At 6:30 we gather in the main building where we learn to sing new songs and study a Bible topic. Wednesday evening is a relaxed time and one filled with joy, love and learning more about God's word.
What to expect at our Tuesday Morning Bible Study.On Tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m. we gather in the Fellowship Hall to pray for the things on each other's heart and mind, study God's word together and enjoy a potluck lunch at 11:30 a.m.
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