Children's Ministry
Learn more about our exciting Children's Ministry classes, activities, and more from Quartz Hill Church of Christ.
Children’s Ministry Classes
The children of the Quartz Hill church of Christ are a vital and loved part of our congregation. The children (Cradle Roll - 5 th grade) have the opportunity to learn from lessons about the Bible through Sunday Morning Bible Study and Wednesday evening Bible Study. The classes are taught by dedicated adults in the congregation.
The children from K - 3rd grade are also given the opportunity t o be involved in a Sunday evening Bible centered class during the evening worship hour. This allows them to focus on Bible content centered on their level of comprehension and allow their parents to learn from the sermon being presented during the same time frame.
Children’s Ministry Activities
In addition to these classes, the children have an opportunity to attend the weekly “Kid’s Club” program on Wednesday evenings prior to the beginning of the Bile Study time. In this setting the kids are able to explore various activities as they learn to interact with one another in ways that would be pleasing to God and their parents.
Other activities for the kids include birthday parties, Holiday parties, a night out for Pizza or another favorite treat, game nights, trips to places such as Disneyland and some (depending on age) are able to attend the Yosemite Bible Camp held each summer just south of Yosemite National Park. Our kids have fun no matter what they are doing and God and His will for our kids is the main focus of any activity or class !